General Meeting Acipe on 5 September 2024
On September 5, 2024, General Meeting of the Association’s Members was held at the ACIPE Central Office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We would like to share with good news – Credit Bureau KKB Turkey became a new member of ACIPE.
The meeting was also devoted to the re-election of the Association’s Board due to the expiration of the previous office’ terms, as well as the discussion of strategic plans for the next 3 years. By the decision of the ACIPE General Meeting, Ruslan Omarov, CEO FCB Kazakhstan, was elected as a Chairman of the Board.
Elchin Habibov, CEO ACB, Azerbaijan; Silviu Foca, CEO Biroul de Credit, Moldova; Humaid Mudhaffr, CEO QARAR and Orkun Deniz, Executive Vice President, KKB were elected as Members of the Board with 3 years terms of office.